Thursday, July 26, 2012

Freebie and 1st Day in my Classroom

My creative team (okay it was my mom, my son, and myself but it makes it sound more important saying my creative team) went in yesterday to my classroom for the first time.  I moved to a SMALLER, smaller, did I mention smaller, room.  I was tossing and turning most nights trying to imagine if my furniture would fit.  After 3 hours it fits!  What a relief! 

I don't know about you, but I stress over my classroom every year.  As you probably know, I change my theme every year, so that adds to the stress.  I am planning on going in again next week with my creative team and empty my boxes.  Then I'm hoping I can start the fun stuff...decorating...the following week.  That is the fun part!  I can't wait.  I will take pictures the next time I go in.

On another note, I like to give my students a healthy snack for the first full day of school.  It is a long day and I like them to have energy to make it through.  I buy the smile fruit snacks from WalMart and attach this little tag to it.  If you like it, click on the picture and it's yours.


  1. Tracey-
    I am with you onth e back to school- set up your classroom stress. I keep going back in forth between 2 themes for this coming school year, just to add to said stress. Plus, I have all day PD the two days I can get in my classroom next week. Then I have one day the following week I can work in my room then I leave for Vegas for a week and as soon as I get back we report back to school. Yikes. I know the classroom dreams (nightmares) are gonna start soon....

    Tales from a 4th (and 5th) Grade Teacher

    1. Uggg! It is starting to get crazy, huh? At least you can relax when you're in Vegas! Which two themes are you thinking of?

  2. Thanks for the super cute freebie! I just found your blog and am your newest follower. Cute design!

    Classroom Compulsion



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