For the last three years our school district has had a Dancing with the Teachers fundraising contest. A teacher from each building in our district signs up, gets a professional dancing partner from Fred Astaire Studio, and performs in front of our school district. The teachers can write grants to get supplies for their classrooms. It has been a GIANT fundraiser each year. The first year, my third grade team got over $600 in Lakeshore center supplies!
This was the first year I went. My mom, son, and I went. we have a ball! My school's dancer was a second grade teacher. My son's school was the music teacher (and he was the only man in the contest).
The dancers have to promote different fundraisers for a couple months before the big contest. One of my son's fundraiser was for the class that brought in the most money for 1 week and if his teacher wins the contest, the grade level will have a dance party and the teacher will shave his head into a Mohawk! Another one for him was to buy these glasses (they look just like his music teacher's glasses)!
Here is a picture of my son and his Grammie wearing their glasses and spirit wear!
Today was the big day. We have 4 elementary schools, 1 5-6th grade building, and our Jr. High. So there were 6 dancers. My son and his Grammie were all decked out in their school spirit wear. I was in a tough situation. I didn't want to not support my school, but I couldn't wear my son's school I wore blue for my school, but not spirit wear. Then we got to the cheering. I had to cheer for both schools.
Well...after all the other dancers danced, my son's music teacher was last. He was fantastic! I told my teacher friends I was going to cheer for both, but after he danced....I threw all loyalty out the window. My school's dancer got a 8, 7, and 9. My son's dancer got a 10, 10, and 10. A perfect score! The only perfect score of the evening!
And guess what. It was an even split. My school won a check for $1,000 for the most fundraising money raised. My son's school won the mirror ball trophy!
What a great time! A super way to spend a Sunday afternoon with two of my favorite people and my school friends! Now I need to write my grant up so that I can get some goodies for my classroom! And my son reminded me...he gets to be the grade that gets to watch his music teacher shave his head and have a dance party! Oh boy....I feel bad for that teacher! Luckily it is a man!
And by the way....did you enter my super giveaway yet? You have until Sunday to enter. Click on the picture to go directly there!