A few neighborhoods around me had a community wide garage sale day Saturday. We were supposed to do it as well, but the time just slipped away from me and I couldn't get everything ready in time. We ARE having one in a few weeks AFTER I we get out of school. We were supposed to have one last year, so you can imagine all the
crap good treasures we have ready to sell. I can't wait to clean out!
So my mom, dad, and son go out garage sale-ing all morning Saturday. I was very disappointed with not getting anything for my classroom, except a few chapter books. My parents scored a new coffee table and end tables for $50. Great price as they were in perfect condition! My son scored a couple new toys (like the Magic 8 ball-I love the questions he asked that thing!) and a stuffed banana. I was getting the banana for my fruit themed classroom next year, but I think he has stolen it!

If he lets me have it back, it will go in my class library
for when the kiddos are reading independently.
While we were out, my mom and I were talking about pedicures. I WAS one of those weird people who don't like people touching my feet. Last year my mom talked me into getting a pedicure right before our yearly Disney trip just to try it. O...M...G...was it nice.
We have been wanting to go again, so we went yesterday. I enjoyed it again this year. I had my toes painted red, because that is my son's favorite color (never had red, but I thought I'd try it). And since we will be going back to Disney in less than a month, I had them draw two Mickeys on the big toes.
Different yummy smelling goop they used!
It was a beachy manicure, so it had sea salt scrubs and sea cucumber lotion...
The nail guy really had a hard time with drawing the head, but hey...it's the
thought of looking at my toes and thinking ---
7 more days with the kiddos and closer to Mickey!
Once I'm done with school, and most importantly packing up my classroom for summer, I'm thinking of getting a manicure. I've only had a couple of those my entire life as well!
We even got to swim in our pool Sunday. I think it's kinda funny because we've have 80s and 90s all week and my husband finally gets the pool ready on Sunday. We swim and now the temperature is supposed to go to 60s for Memorial Day weekend! Gotta love crazy Chicago spring weather!
And how was your weekend???