Thursday, February 28, 2013

Motivational Posters

My family just finished watching all of the Harry Potter movies over the course of two weekends.  Okay we were kinda addicted!  After we finished the last one I got kinda sad.  I mean my 7 year old and I looked forward to movie night with Harry.  Since I missed Harry, I started going on pinterest to find Harry Potter stuff and saw a quote from Dumbledore.  It said..."Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." 

That started me onto making my own motivational posters in my classroom.  I have a bulletin board where I put up a character education trait and a motivational poster each week.  The character education trait is something we look for with our classmates to fill someone's bucket.

The first poster I put up was the Dumbledore quote. We had a great discussion about what it meant.

Now instead of store bought posters, I've been adding my own creations.  I've been getting more positive feedback from my students with my own posters than with the store bought ones! 
Here are some of my new motivational posters.  I tried using clip art that the students would recognize.  I used book characters, movie characters, famous people, etc for my posters.

I started playing around with these and the next thing I know it...I made 24.  And there are still more I'm thinking about.  Isn't it crazy how you just starting making one thing and then....BOOM....hours later you made a whole bunch?!?!?  Whatcha think???

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