I'm so excited! I finally figured out how I can do RtI/Interventions Time each day. I spent too much time last year pulling out worksheets for my students to do during RtI time. I never really liked doing it like that, but I couldn't find the time to figure out something else.
Well this summer I spent a lot of time organizing my Lakeshore activities, task cards, and centers. All of that hard work paid off because it is working soooooo well!
Here is what I am doing. We use NWEA testing to figure out our RtI/Intervention groups. Since we just finished testing, I was able to use that data to figure out my groups. I then pulled my materials for the week and put them around my classroom.
I bought these really cute signs from Learning Resources. They hold my signs on one side and they are wipe on/off on the other side (I'm not really using the other side, but it will be great to write directions on when I need to). I use my guided reading and math workshop center signs that I have on TPT to go into the sign holders. I don't have time to really use either during reading or math, so using them during RtI time is working out great!

I then move my students to the center they need to work on for the day. It is really working great! Right now I have they following centers for reading: read to self (silent reading in class library), read to someone (reader theaters with comprehension questions from Lakeshore), word work (phonics game from Lakeshore), writing (shared writing journals), and vocabulary (my vocabulary treasure activity). I printed out smaller cards and wrote the student's names on a little card. I put them in a pocket chart. Each morning I move the center card up so that the next group is ready for that center.
Here is a picture of my reading centers.
The following centers are for math: test prep (self check cards for state testing practice), math facts (flash card drill with a partner), problem solving (problem solving cards), task cards (great task cards from TPT), and math game (games from myself or Lakeshore).
Here is a picture of my math centers.
It is really working out well, and the students LOVE it. I will keep you all updated later in the school year to see if it is still going smoothly. The signs I use are in
my TPT store if you are interested!
What is working well in your class???