Monday, November 12, 2012


I'm sorry to say that I will be out of commission for a few days.  I had a little accident on Saturday.  I was walking out of a store Saturday, (after spending a few hours earlier with my son's Reconciliation ceremony and lunch - it was wonderful), and got hit with a SUV.  Yes, I said I was a pedestrian and got hit!  I am only 5'1" so why it had to be an SUV I don't know.

Had a fun ambulance ride to the ER...spent the rest of my Saturday there...Went to my doctor today.  I have knee, neck, and hip trauma (swelling, pain,etc) and a broken wrist.  The doctor wants me to take a week off of work (doesn't he understand us teachers?????).  I took today and tomorrow, but will have to see about the rest of the week.  I have parent/teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday next week that I need to prepare for, so we'll see!  I can't even drive...AHHHHHH!

Needless to say...I will be out of commission for a little bit.  But thank could have been so much worse.  And thank God my 7 year old wasn't with me! 

Here's a song we've been singing in my house instead of Grandma got run over by a reindeer we've got - "Mommy got runover by a Lexus, walking out of Hallmark Saturday..."


  1. Oh my gosh Tracey! I can't believe that! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you're okay! A teacher I work with got hit last year by a hit-and-run driver and had to have her hip replaced. :( I hope the person who hit you has taken responsibility. I'm so glad you can find a little humor in it and have created a new family Christmas song in the process! :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Classroom Compulsion

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about you friend! I have to find humor in it, otherwise my 7 year old and I would start freaking out...again! :)

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. Wow! I hope that you are back to your normal self soon. I was once hit by a man on a bicycle outside of a Walmart, luckily I wasn't injured (a stopped car broke my fall), but I can now say that I was a victim of a hit and run. :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Second Grade Freebies

  5. So sorry to hear about your accident, but I have to say- I giggled at your song :) I'm glad your family is already laughing about it. That IS the best medicine, after all.

    It's true- doctors don't understand the pain of sub plans! :) Feel better soon!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

    1. We have to laugh or freak out...we pick laugh! And I know...I need my pain meds just thinking about another day of sub plans!!! :)

  6. Oh dear Tracey, I hope you recover quickly....completely get that you don't want to have time off but remember not to push too hard to get back if you aren't ready. Loving that you guys are laughing about it and very glad it wasn't any worse.
    Sending healing thoughts your way :)
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. Thanks Tania! I know about healing, but the pain of sub plans is bad too! :)

  7. Oh my! I am so sorry. I hope you recover quickly. I know it's tough to have that time off, but you need to rest and recover! I love your new song! Too cute. Sending lots of thoughts your way!


  8. OMG! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I'm sure you'll be getting lots of Get Well cards from the kiddies. :)

    Classroom Capers

  9. So sorry to hear that you were hurt! I feel your pain because I broke my wrist last August in an accident and I am still in the process of recovery now three months later. I admire your courage and good humor handling a tough situation. Thank God for pain meds too! Hope you have a special Thanksgiving enjoying your family and counting your blessings!

  10. Wow...I knew teachers were tough...but jeez! Take care and I love your blog!



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