sure has been awhile, huh???? I'm so sorry that I have been a terrible bloggy friend lately. Things have been crazy. With a new principal, common core, and the regular day to day stuff....I've been so bad neglecting my little blog.
I just wanted to say sorry for not being around lately. All my bloggy friends who have emailed me questions, I'm so glad you kept in touch. For anyone that was been a follower of my little blog, you know that I'm usually much better at keeping up on things.
And to top off all the craziness, I'm inching up on the anniversary of my little accident. For those of you who don't know, I was a pedestrian hit by a giant Lexus SUV last November. Everything is coming back into memories...lack of sleep...panic attacks as I walk in front of cars (you should see me with outside duty each Thursday)...ugg!
Okay so no more excuses. I promise to start blogging more and sharing about my wonderful third graders. I have a fun bunch this year, just a whole range of academic needs bundled up into 19 darlings.
So for you surviving my is a little freebie for you. It is my little Gobble Banner. I make a little one to go on my front marker board. If you can use it, please enjoy. You can leave me a little love below if you want to as well...hint...hint...
Until next time-
Click on the picture to get your freebie!

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